//Living life on our own terms

Living life on our own terms


Welcome – and thank you for visiting to this space!

Here at Emerald Jaaz, audacious people who are ready to start living on their own terms and in their own unique personal essence are supported and celebrated.

Standing up to the conditioning, fear-based norms and certain BS rules of society to live an independent life aligned with who you are requires courage, faith, a great plan, and perseverance.

If you are an employee and want to live independently by creating your business from scratch, I can help you – in all confidentiality.

A few years ago, I decided to leave my 20-year international corporate career in communications and public affairs – to launch my own service- and product-based online business from scratch.

Fast forward to today: I am passionate about helping others to also live independently by sharing my knowledge, hands-on experience and lessons learned on how to go from a corporate job to launching your own company.


Do you want to start your own purposeful business?

I created the signature programme I wish I had access to when I was starting out.

Back then, it would have certainly saved me lots of time, energy, hesitation and resources.

I named it ‘Go from Employee to Independent’. As the name suggests, it does just that.


🔎In the Go from Employee to Independent programme:

– You’ll learn how to reconnect with your unique personal genius, which is the foundation to intentionally living on your own terms and independently doing what you love.
– You’ll learn about common blocks preventing you from taking action, such as confidence issues, fears and limiting beliefs; and how to overcome them.
– You’ll also learn about different scenarios and business options to figure out what would suit you most.
– Finally, you’ll learn about the first steps you need to take; and plan to smoothly make your life-changing move.

This programme is ideal for individuals who are employees and desire to live on their own terms by creating their business from scratch. They want to live with intention, according to their own values, and make a purposeful impact on others.

Based on your preference and needs, Go from Employee to Independent is available both as an online group coaching course, or personalised one-on-one mentoring.


A little about my background:

Personal freedom has always been key for me. It has meant different things during different stages of my life.

Today, for me, personal freedom means:
– Having the flexibility to organise my time as I decide and dedicate my energy to what has meaning for me
– Having the convenience to work from home – or anywhere else I choose
– Being there for my young daughter, husband and those I love
– Being able to impact others through my experience and values
– Having the time and space to focus on my own learnings, personal development, and overall health and well-being
– Discovering the world

When I launched my business a few years ago, I initially provided communications and consulting services, as well as products such as my own European fashion collection and the novel I authored.

As I was developing that business, an interesting thing began to occur:

More and more people were reaching out to me for advice on how to transition from employee to creating their own new company.

I was thrilled to help out and found that I absolutely love to share my experience, learnings and lessons with open-minded individuals who, like me, also value personal freedom. Helping them transform their lives and thrive gives me immense joy.

➡️ So much so, that I now focus entirely on helping intentional people break free from the corporate employee system to set up their own purposeful business – in all confidentiality.

Since most of my mentees are still employed, the confidentiality aspect during the preparation phase is important for them – and respected.


Are you interested to know more about how I can guide you to live on your own terms and regain your time by starting your own purposeful company? Let’s chat!

Don’t hesitate to reach out to me: jz@emeraldjaaz.com

You may also learn more about the programmes I offer in the Work with me section and get on the VIP waiting list.

For inspiration on this and other related topics, check out my Blog and Testimonials.

For regular updates, insights and tips, you are most welcome to subscribe to my newsletter

And let’s connect on social media:



Last but not least, I’d like to share with you my guiding motto:

“We choose to live our lives with intention, audacity and in full harmony with our own unique personal essence.”

Personal freedom starts with one decision and the first step.

I look forward to sharing valuable insights with you and can’t wait to support you on your rewarding path to living on your own terms.

Warm wishes,


2022-11-22T06:21:17+00:00August 7th, 2022|